Poker Nights Not Just For Men Anymore

Poker Nights Not Just For Men Anymore Women only poker nights have become all the rage in which new business relationships are made and friendships effortlessly forged. In a business world that is all too often dominated by male counterparts, these special evenings allow for private networking and informal discussions of common issues. Often the …

Fundraising – Ways to make money with a Poker Tournament

Fundraising – Ways to make money with a Poker Tournament Have you considered holding a poker fundraiser? Poker fundraisers are becoming increasingly popular and are a fun way to raise money for many causes. Depending on how creative you get, this type of fundraiser can earn your group more funds than you might think. Did …

Is it time to bring back face to face social networking?

Is it time to bring back face to face social networking? We now spend more time socializing online than in person! Most of us also tend to prefer communication via text or the Internet over talking face to face or on the phone. But doing primarily e-networking can cost you your business, not to mention …