Custom Play Money, Cards & Chips

Please note with all of your casino games selected from us, all accessories are always included at no extra charge. We always provide the cards and chips required to play any of the games. However, some clients like to have custom imprinted items for name recognition and branding or simply as souvenirs to give to guests. Please read our guidelines below before ordering and feel free to speak with us at any time before placing an order!

Custom Play Money
Custom Play Money

We generally do not use play money with the actual casino games. Just as you would at a casino in Atlantic City or Vegas, money is traded in for casino chips which are used to play the actual games. For some events, you may still wish to have custom printed money as a souvenir or to use instead of our table passes as a way for your guests to received their initial allotment of chips. We do not print this ourselves, but recommend using this company – who you can order directly from. Please only print $100 bills and keep in ind that players typically start with $200 in chips and no more than $500 in chips to begin with.

Custom Cards
Custom Playing Cards

If you wish to have your own imprinted custom playing cards for us to use at your event, please be sure they are professional casino playing cards. Please do not imprint plastic cards. We recommend using Make Playing Cards for your custom printing needs.

Blackjack Tables – we recommend getting 8 decks. 6 decks are used in the shoe to play with and 2 decks are set aside as spares if needed.
Poker Tables – we recommend getting 2-4 decks. Depending on style of poker 1-2 decks are used to play and 2 decks are set aside as spares if needed.

Custom Chips

Using custom printed chips gets a bit more complicated as you will literally need hundreds for an average size party. They must also come in specific colors and quantities based on your selected games. Imprinted chips must be casino weight and not the usually light plastic chips that most printing houses try to use. Custom chips can run $0.50-$0.69 each. So the cost will add up very fast. Before placing any order, we strongly suggest you consult with our casino operations manager to determine colors and quantities that will be needed. We recommend for this service should you choose to proceed.

PLEASE CALL FIRST but this is a rough idea of what is required per table
Blackjack/Poker minimum per table: 100 red | 75 green | 50 black 
Craps per table: 300 black | 600 Green | 600 Red | 300 White 
Roulette per table: 100 red | 100 Black | 100 Green  + 100 of 7 unique solid colors